Siesta Rates : Songs of Recumbence EP

First EP (in recycled cassette* form , as well as pro pressed) by NJ/PA/CT tri state audiophiles SIESTA RATES features 45+ minutes of songs and meditations on/for sad as sh*t dudes + the passing of dear friends, the attempts to relinquish control, and small victories and crushings in the calamity of love.
**Each recycled tape 'advance' copy is a variant and contains secret jams and hand printed and cut art work. If directed in order notes, supplier can hand make a new recycled tape… though those copies are dwindling. 100 additional pro pressed tapes have recently been issued also.**
1. Sable 🔺
2. Weather Alert 🔸
3. Hungry Piney🔺
4. Sisters🔹
5. Paloma 🔺
6. Dudes Who Are Down Bad 🔸
7. Song for Danny Carol 🔹
8. O Return 🔺
9. Cicadas (demo)
10. Eveline 🔺
David Roque 🔺
James Christy 🔸
Jaime Morren 🔹
Mastered and additional Art Layout by the Heroic Josh Marsie, Providence, RI , 2024
Recorded at Eldridge Gardens, NJ by JC. Art by JM. Additional info at
Additional Bagpipes : Brett Bidell